20 January 2010

Forward Progress and Fun

Kia Ora!

With all of us out of school but soon to return, we decided to take a quick vacation or holiday as they say it here. After much deliberating about where to go, we decided on a campsite at the base of the Coromandel Peninsula. The campsite, which is up from the coast, was shrouded in trees and ferns, and even a few palm trees. It offered facilities and a token operated grill, which we needed. After two days of camping and hiking, or tramping as they call it here in NZ, we spent the last day at Whangamata beach (pronounced Faangamataa). The town and beach was only 10 minutes from our camp. The town itself seems to focus around the beach and surfing. We had fun hiking up to a waterfall and getting cool in the cold cold water. I offered Alec five dollars to go fully in and get under the falling water. he got very close, enough to feel the spray, so he earned it. he was shivering enough it seemed to send waves throughout the entire pool. The other kids got in a bit, but only for very short durations. Logan pushed Alec in off of a rock- which he was disciplined for, as Alec could have been hurt- the pool is quite shallow. The beach was perfect for swimming for the kids. They loved the waves, the clean sand, the expansive shallow waters, and the bright sunny day. Despite our efforts, we all got a little sun burned though. We finished the trip home with ice cream shakes and Subway sandwiches.

However, back to the task at hand. I received word of my status change from conditional to confirmed enrolment. The university approved my proposal and I now have the official green light to proceed. I put together a proposal for the MEIT (the Trust which manages the project I am to study) and I should be meeting with them soon. I have applied for a National Geographic grant and I should soon complete an application for a grant from the American Philosophical Society as well. Later, I may also apply to Wenner-Gren for funding- if this comes to fruition that would be fabulous. Wenner-Gren is a foundation focused toward anthropological research and is considered the premier organisation for the promotion of anthropology research.

Lots to do every day, so I better get to it. Cheers!